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Hit Mix UK

Hit Mix UK

Жанр: dancepophip-hopsoultop40funk

Страна: Великобритания
Город: Англия, Сити


With Hit Mix UK one thing you can be sure of is great music. We broadcast 24 hours a day 365 days a year.Our main aim at Hit Mix UK is to promote Unsigned Artists, Musicians , DJ’s etc by giving them the airplay they deserve. Hit Mix UK guarentee to produce a great mix of live shows, playing a selection of the best hand picked music from around the world.

Контакты радиостанции

Адрес: Sovereign House 227 Marsh Wall London E14 9SD
Телефон: +020 7099 92 93
Email: [email protected]

Время в городе Сити: 04:54, 13.05.2023