HOVERBOARD Racing Action Game!

HOVERBOARD Racing Action Game!

Today Luke and Kyle play the world's greatest hoverboard game! It's a lot like an obstacle course, but more simplified where they race to the swimming pool of ball pit balls, and then race back to their holding basket where they dump their toy balls into. After one minute they see who has the most toy balls in their basket! The race is intense, and there is a twist at the end of the game! Ready, Set, GO!

Mystery Candy Dispenser: https://goo.gl/EZMmYD

DIY Cardboard Candy Dispenser Vending Machine! CANDY STORE Box Fort! SKITTLES & Candy https://goo.gl/v1gvYi

Gage1up: https://goo.gl/FR8y5F
Luke Fully Loaded: https://goo.gl/imFGVz
Instagram: @kylestoysandgames

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