I just got this wild hair to try singing Pieces Of Eight by Styx. Strange, because I'm not really a singer but once I started working on it I decided just to redo the lyrics and make it a hate song to all the mega music companies such as WMG, UMG, SMG, et cetera.
I d/l a MIDI version of the song, brought that into Reaper and assigned sounds and redid a lot of it to make it a little closer to the album (the notes were not right and drums were not really right). I mean, I had to tweak pretty much all of it. Then I sang the parts and put the guitar parts in so NONE of what you hear is from the album or tracks from any program like guitar hero or anything.
So, if THIS triggers a copyright notice from YouTube, I'm going to seriously email some modafukas. DEATH to WMG/UMG/SMG. Each musician should sell direct and make those leeches live off their back catalog (which they can do forever anyway).
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