This song blew my mind when I heard it a couple of weeks ago and I knew right away I wanted to learn it. Mainly because of the interesting quintuplet based groove but mostly because I really love the chorus. I bought Anika's EP which contained Queenz without drums and had a busy day practicing and trying to make a decent cover of it. It was a completely new thing to me trying to improvise in quintuplets so I tried not to add too many of my own fills, because they didn't sound nearly as steady as Anika's. I tried to experiment with a 4/4 groove against the quintuplets at 03.36 for example but I'm a bit disappointed with not getting the groove into it, so bear with me on this one because this song is a challenge I feel I have to work a lot more with :) This was my first complete take after A LOT of tries.
I couldn't EQ away the cowbell clicktrack properly, so unfortunately you'll have to ignore it as much as you can.
Queenz by Anika Nilles
I DO NOT own the rights to this song.
It is the copyrighted property of its owner(s).
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