"All That Matters" Parody Track created by - Duke Wijethilake
"All That Matters" Parody Director - Morgan Christensen & Bart Baker "All That Matters" Parody Editor - Bart Baker "All That Matters" Parody Vocals - Bart Baker "All That Matters" Parody Written by Bart Baker "All That Matters" Parody DP - Jon Na "All That Matters" Parody Supervising Producer - Ricky Mammone "All That Matters" Parody Producer - Ben Loescher "All That Matters" Parody Production Coordinator - Aron Korney "All That Matters" Parody Gaffer -Tyler Carey "All That Matters" Parody Makeup - Michelle Burgo "All That Matters" Parody Wardrobe - Amanda Hosler "All That Matters" Parody Assistant Costume Designer - Karen Abarca "All That Matters" Parody Art Department - Eligh Macias "All That Matters" Parody Art Department - Marshall King "All That Matters" Parody Production Assistant - Matt Greenstein Thanks to Jeremy McKnight for providing the motorcycle