A Year of Ping Pong

A Year of Ping Pong
Watch "A Year of Ping Pong 2" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjVO-...
This is compilation of videos that I posted or shot in 2019. There were MANY, MANY, MANY other fun points that couldn't fit in this video, which is why I created a Part 2.

Congratulations to @gustavotabletennis for winning the $100 gift card giveaway.

Btw, can you tell me in the comments which is the ONE point in this video that has never appeared in my YouTube videos before???

#tabletennis #pingpong #pingpongyear

Thanks to all of the channels that helped me in 2019. Pongfinity, TableTennisDaily, and【卓球動画】WRM-TV [TableTennis] (Gucchy)

Here's how you can follow me on social media:

I play for andro and my equipment is:

Rubber- RASANTER V42 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
Просмотры на YouTube: 18 711 430

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