Another Year of Ping Pong

Another Year of Ping Pong
This is a compilation of videos that I posted or shot in 2020. There were MANY, MANY, MANY other fun moments that couldn't fit in this video. If this video gets 10,000 likes in its first week, I'll make a Part 2.

Merch -

#tabletennis #pingpong #pingpongyear

Congratulations, @the_abhishek._.bvb for winning this video's $100 Amazon gift card giveaway. To win, just be the first person to comment with your instagram handle on my next video.

Thanks to all of the people that helped me in 2020. Special thanks to Dude Perfect, the Matsushima Family, Lin Yun-Ju, and Cheng I-Ching.

Here's how you can follow me on social media:

I play for andro and my equipment is:

Rubber- RASANTER V42 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
Просмотры на YouTube: 1 586 997

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