"Moody" is a song written, performed, and produced by Alina Smith. The music video, animated by Jerize Bravo and directed by Patrick Walsh, follows a story of a fictional character in Russia, whose village is ransacked by the three-headed dragon Змей Горыныч (Zmei Gorynich), often featured in Russian folklore. After watching her fellow villagers captured and carried off by the dragon, she sets out on a quest to free them, squaring against new foes, like the infamous Баба Яга (Baba Yaga) and Кот Баюн (Cat Bayun) before finally coming head-to-head with Zmei Gorynich.
In the end of the video, although she had triumphed over her opponents, you can see their shadows still lurking in the background. This imagery highlights the lyrical message of the song: defeating inner monsters is a process, and it's okay if some traumas take time to heal.
LISTEN TO "MOODY": https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/alinasmith/moody
FOLLOW ALINA: https://www.instagram.com/thealinasmith/
OTHER MUSIC: https://smarturl.it/2000sTeen
Animation: https://www.instagram.com/thecrystalpencil/
Director: https://www.instagram.com/patrickwalshvevo/
Costuming: https://www.instagram.com/ryannlanel/
Makeup: https://www.instagram.com/colleendominique/
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