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263 Nights | trailer | English

263 Nights | trailer | English
Joint project Belarus - Israel - Russia
263 nights in a dungeon, not having a chance to get out, with the risk of being discovered and annihilated every day...
It is a story about a group of 26 Jews trying to stay alive in difficult times of occupation of Minsk and the creation of a ghetto, hiding in a dungeon trying not going crazy and to survive. Once descending into the basement, where there was complete darkness and uncertainty only 13 of them saw the daylight again.
This dramatic story is about a tragedy that took place during the Great Patriotic War. Its main goal is to preserve the memory of innocents losing their lives and to tell the story to those now alive so that the sad events of those years won’t happen again.

The text is read by Aristarkh Livanov.

Scriptwriter Konstantin Andryushechkin
Director Irina Tarasova
Production designer Anna Emelianova
Composer Yuri Povolotski
Sound designer Victor Mors
Executive Producer Elena Korzyuk

Просмотры на YouTube: 3 247

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