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His Trysting Place (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN & MABEL NORMAND - Mack Sennett - color

His Trysting Place (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN & MABEL NORMAND - Mack Sennett - color
539 202
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----- Starring Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Mack Swain, and Phyllis Allen.
Released on November 9th, 1914
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Police (1916) - Charlie Chaplin - color (Laurel & Hardy)

Police (1916) - Charlie Chaplin - color (Laurel & Hardy)
5 290
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----- Charlie is released from prison and immediately swindled by a fake parson. A fellow ex-convict convinces Charlie to help burglarize a house, but Edna, the house's owner, catches them and calls the police. Charlie, however, manages to charm his way out of trouble .... at least for the moment. Police was Charlie Chaplin's 14th released film from Essanay released in 1916. It was made at the Majestic Studio in Los Angeles.
Charlie playing an ex-convict finds life on the outside not to his liking and leads him to breaking into a home with another thief (Wesley Ruggles). Edna Purviance plays the girl living in the home who tries to change him.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: By the Sea (1915) - color (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin: By the Sea (1915) - color (Laurel & Hardy)
78 128
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----- By the Sea is a 1915 American comedy film Charlie Chaplin made while waiting for a studio to work in Los Angeles. He had just left Niles Essanay Studio after.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Rink l Charlie Chaplin l Funny Silent Comedy Film (1916) - color

The Rink l Charlie Chaplin l Funny Silent Comedy Film (1916) - color
251 296
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----- The Rink, a silent film from 1916, was Charlie Chaplin's eighth film for Mutual Films. The film co-starred Edna Purviance, Eric Campbell, Henry Bergman, and Albert Austin, and is best known for showcasing Chaplin's roller skating skills.
After amusements working in a restaurant, Charlie uses his lunch break to go roller skating.
Director : Charles Chaplin, Edward Brewer (technical director)
Producer : Henry P. Caulfield
Starring : Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance, Eric Campbell, Henry Bergman, Albert Austin
Release dates : December 4, 1916
Language : Silent film
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

A Night in the Show (1915) | Charlie Chaplin | - color

A Night in the Show (1915) | Charlie Chaplin | - color
9 478 468
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----- A Night in the Show was Charlie Chaplin's 12th film for Essanay. It was made at Majestic Studio in Los Angeles the fall of 1915. Chaplin played two roles: one as Mr. Pest and one as Mr. Rowdy. The film was created from Chaplin's stage work from a play called Mumming Birds (a.k.a. A Night at an English Music Hall in the United States) with the Karno Company from London. Chaplin performed this play during his U.S. tours with Fred Karno company and decided to bring some of this play to his film work. Edna Purviance played a minor role as a lady in the audience.
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Charlotte Mineau, Dee Lampton, Edna Purviance, Leo White
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Family Ties (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - Family Ties (Laurel & Hardy)
14 912
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----- Charlie and his friend Ambrose meet in a restaurant and accidentally leave with each other's coats. Charlie was going to pick up a baby bottle and Ambrose was going to mail a love letter that was in his coat pocket. Charlie's wife finds the letter and thinks he has a secret lover and Ambrose's wife believes he has an illegitimate child. Controversy arises in the park between Charlie and his wife and Ambrose and his wife. It is resolved at the end, but Charlie sparks another fight between the other couple by showing his friend's wife the love letter that was in his pocket.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Mabels Strange Predicament (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - Mabels Strange Predicament (Laurel & Hardy)
104 883
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----- In a hotel lobby a heavily drunk tramp runs into an elegant lady, Mabel, who gets tied up in her dog's leash, and falls down. He later runs into her in the hotel corridor, locked out of her room. They run through various rooms. Mabel ends up in the room of an elderly husband where she hides under the bed. Enter the jealous wife, who soon attacks Mabel, her husband, and Mabel's lover, not to mention the staggeringly drunken tramp.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Dough and dynamite (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - Dough and dynamite (Laurel & Hardy)
143 842
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----- The story involves Chaplin and Chester Conklin working as waiters at a restaurant. Charlie is especially inept and his comic carelessness enrages the customers. The workers in the restaurant's bakery go on strike for more pay, but are fired by the unsympathetic proprietor. Charlie is put to work in the bakery where his lack of skills upsets his boss and co-worker Chester Conklin. Meanwhile, the vengeful strikers have arranged to smuggle a loaf of bread concealing a stick of dynamite into the bakery. During a free-for-all involving Charlie, Chester, and their boss, the dynamite dramatically explodes. At the end of the film, Charlie emerges groggily from a pile of sticky dough. **** Pierre arbeitet als Kellner in einer Bäckerei. Als er durch seine Ungeschicklichkeit sich den Ärger der Kunden auf sich zieht, wird er zunächst zum Tellerwaschen abgestellt. Doch auch hier ist er fehl am Platze und landet schließlich in der Backstube. Der schmächtige Pierre tut sich unter den raubeinigen Bäckern jedoch genauso schwer. Als die Bäcker jedoch mehr Geld für ihre Arbeit verlangen, dies vom Eigentümer abgelehnt wird und sie daraufhin in den Streik treten, wird Pierre zum Bäcker. Die Bäcker betrachten ihn als Streikbrecher und wollen sich rächen. Sie füllen ein Brot mit Dynamit und schmuggeln es durch ein kleines Mädchen in die Bäckerei. Mme. La Vie bringt es zum Aufbacken zu Pierre in die Backstube und der steckt es in den Ofen. Durch den Besuch seiner Frau bei Pierre in der Backstube gerät Herr La Vie völlig außer sich und verfolgt Pierre in rasender Eifersucht. Schließlich explodiert das Dynamit im Backofen und Pierre wird durch die Explosion mit dem vorbereiteten Teig überschüttet.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Sydney Chaplin - A Submarine Pirate (Laurel & Hardy)

Sydney Chaplin - A Submarine Pirate (Laurel & Hardy)
6 159
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----- Syd Chaplin as Ambitious waiter
Wesley Ruggles as The inventor's accomplice
Glen Cavender as A shrewd inventor
Phyllis Allen as A pugnacious guest
Virginia Fox
Edgar Kennedy
Harold Lloyd as Cook
Heinie Conklin
Fritz Schade
Ted Edwards as Waiter (uncredited)
Charles Lakin as Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank - color (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank - color (Laurel & Hardy)
53 637
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----- Charlie, feeling very important, enters the bank where he works. He descends to the vault and works its combination with great panache and opens the door. Charlie hangs his coat inside the vault and brings out his mop and bucket signifying he is the bank's janitor. He causes typical havoc with his mop and then with his broom. Charlie discovers a package with a note attached to it written by the bank's stenographer. It is addressed "To Charles with love from Edna." Charlie jumps to the wrong conclusion that Edna is in love with him, not realizing the package is intended for another Charles—the cashier. Charlie gets a bunch of flowers and places them lovingly on Edna's desk. When Edna realizes they are from the janitor, she coldly tosses them into the wastebasket. Charlie finds them there and is heartbroken. Charlie then has a dream in which he heroically thwarts a bank robbery, rescuing Edna in the process. He turns to kiss the now-adoring Edna—but then he wakes up. Charlie is kissing his mop—while Edna is kissing her cashier boyfriend.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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