Актеры • Чарли Чаплин
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Buster Keaton bekämpft die blutige Hand (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Buster Keaton bekämpft die blutige Hand (Laurel & Hardy) Color
16 629
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----- Der von Buster Keaton gespielte „Held“ des Filmes (im Vor-/Abspann werden keine Rollen- bzw. Schauspielernamen genannt) ist ein Herumstreicher, der sich auf einem Volksfest auf eine Stellenanzeige als Kunstschütze bei einer Schießbude bewirbt, ohne eigentlich schießen zu können. Der hünenhafte „Tiny Tim“, Leiter der Schießbude, zieht sich bald in ein Hinterzimmer zurück, wo die Gangsterbande „Blinking Buzzards“ residiert. Diese hat gerade den Auftrag erhalten, den Bürger August Nickelnurser zu ermorden, da dieser kein Schutzgeld zahlen wollte. Inzwischen hat Buster die Treffer-Glocke der Schießbude so manipuliert, dass sie jedes Mal klingelt, wenn er schießt. Der mit seiner Tochter vorbeikommende August Nickelnurser ist davon so beeindruckt, dass er Buster als Leibwächter verpflichtet. Später staunt auch Tiny Tim über Busters Schießkünste, so dass er ihn in die Bussard-Bande aufnehmen lässt und mit dem Mord an Nickelnurser beauftragt. Buster ist verzweifelt ob seiner gegensätzlichen Verpflichtungen.
Nickelnurser hat inzwischen sein Haus mit einer Vielzahl von Fall- und Geheimtüren ausgerüstet. Busters dortige Ankunft wird nicht nur von Nickelnurser, sondern auch der Bussard-Bande erwartet. Auf Busters Anweisung stellt Nickelnurser sich tot, nachdem Buster in die Luft geschossen hat. Die an sich überzeugende Darstellung halten sie leider nicht so lange durch, bis die Bande das Feld geräumt hat, so dass Buster kreuz und quer durch das Haus gejagt wird, eine für Keaton-Filme klassische Akrobatik-Revue. Buster kann nach und nach einen nach dem anderen Gangster ausschalten, zuletzt versenkt er Tiny Tim in einer Falltür.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Chaplin in Color (Laurel & Hardy)

Chaplin in Color (Laurel & Hardy)
16 613
Chaplin in Color (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: Mabel's Married Life (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin: Mabel's Married Life (Laurel & Hardy)
16 179
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----- Mabel goes home after being humiliated by a masher whom her wimpy husband won't fight. The husband goes off to a bar and gets drunk. She buys a boxing dummy hoping it will inspire her husband, but when he returns he gets in a fight with it, taking it to be the ladykiller.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2 (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2 (Laurel & Hardy)
15 927
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----- Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Adventurer (Laurel & Hardy) Colorization

Charlie Chaplin - The Adventurer (Laurel & Hardy) Colorization
15 391
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----- Charlie Chaplin plays an escaped convict from the state penitentiary who, clad in his striped prison uniform, is on the run from prison guards. He skillfully and athletically manages to elude a handful of guards at a rocky seashore, eventually making his escape by entering the water. Charlie opportunistically happens upon a man in a rowboat who is preparing for a swim. Charlie steals the man's swimsuit and heads to shore. He hears cries for help as a woman (Edna Purviance), her mother, and the woman's suitor (Eric Campbell) have all fallen into the water and are poor swimmers. Charlie rescues them all, but carelessly allows the enormous suitor to fall back into the water while he is attempting to carry him on a stretcher. Charlie rescues him once again, but the angry suitor kicks Charlie senseless into the water. Charlie wakes up in a bedroom in the lavish home of the grateful girl and her mother. He is wearing striped pajamas and for a moment he believes he is back in prison. He identifies himself as a yachtsman and is given a set of evening clothes to wear to a party. Charlie's luck begins to run out, however. The girl's father turns out to be the judge who sentenced Charlie to a prison term. Charlie looks vaguely familiar to the judge, but he cannot quite place him. The suitor, now especially miffed at Charlie because of the attention the girl is giving him, sees Charlie's photo in a newspaper as a prison escapee. Meanwhile, a house employee is feeding her beau a meal in the kitchen; the beau happens to be one of the guards who was chasing Charlie on the beach. The suitor summons the authorities who pursue Charlie on a merry chase up and down the two-story house where Charlie's acrobatic skills save him from arrest several times. Just as it looks like Charlie will finally be apprehended, he cleverly escapes again and the chase is renewed.
The film also stars Henry Bergman and Albert Austin, and marked the final film of his co-star Eric Campbell who died on December 20, 1917 in a drunk driving accident.[1] Campbell, who was 37 at the time of his death, had appeared in 11 comedies with Chaplin in 1916 and 1917.
Toraichi Kono, who was Chaplin's personal chauffeur for many years, plays a small part in the film. He was aptly cast as the chauffeur of the girl and her mother.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) - 1st Charlie Chaplin Movie Portrayal of The Tramp - color

Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) - 1st Charlie Chaplin Movie Portrayal of The Tramp - color
15 150
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----- The first time Chaplin donned his "Tramp" costume. This is however not the 1st film appearance of The Tramp, based upon release date. "Kid Auto Races at Venice" was released 2 days earlier, on February 7th, 1914.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: The Masquerader (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Charlie Chaplin: The Masquerader (Laurel & Hardy) Color
15 107
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----- Chaplin plays a mischievous version of himself in this splendid comedy. He is first seen in his civilian clothes—and without comedy makeup—entering the Keystone studios. Once he has put on his familiar comedy makeup and Tramp costume, he flirts with two attractive ladies, misses his cue, and twice ruins the scene being filmed. He is eventually replaced and ultimately fired by the director. The crafty Charlie reenters the studio disguised as a charming young woman and is hired at once as a leading lady. Charlie quickly reverts back to his familiar comedy makeup and clothes, reveals his imposture, and is chased about the studio. The film ends with Charlie, having retreated into the studio well, submerged in water and defeated in his masquerade. The Masquerader is the second of three comedies in which Chaplin appears as a woman; the earlier A Busy Day has Chaplin in crude drag playing a shrewish wife; the later A Woman (1915) further develops what he achieved in this comedy: a brilliant transformation to a soft, feminine, and seductive woman. The Masquerader is also one of several Chaplin comedies, like the earlier A Film Johnnie and the later His New Job (1915) and Behind the Screen (1916), set in a motion picture studio.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 1 (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 1 (Laurel & Hardy)
15 050
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----- Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 1 (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Rogue (1918) - OLIVER BABE HARDY & BILLY WEST (Chaplin imitator) - Arvid E. Gillstrom -color

The Rogue (1918) - OLIVER BABE HARDY & BILLY WEST (Chaplin imitator) - Arvid E. Gillstrom -color
15 026
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----- Billy (as a Charlie Chaplin imitation) is The Rogue (read: Tramp).
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Family Ties (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - Family Ties (Laurel & Hardy)
14 912
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----- Charlie and his friend Ambrose meet in a restaurant and accidentally leave with each other's coats. Charlie was going to pick up a baby bottle and Ambrose was going to mail a love letter that was in his coat pocket. Charlie's wife finds the letter and thinks he has a secret lover and Ambrose's wife believes he has an illegitimate child. Controversy arises in the park between Charlie and his wife and Ambrose and his wife. It is resolved at the end, but Charlie sparks another fight between the other couple by showing his friend's wife the love letter that was in his pocket.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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