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the house by the cemetery-дом на краю кладбища.

the house by the cemetery-дом на краю кладбища.
106 770
жанр фильма ужасы,детектив дата выхода фильма 1981 года страна италия
Категория: УжасыТриллерДетектив

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997)
20 206
Трое мужчин: архидиакон Собора Парижской Богоматери Клод Фролло, звонарь собора — горбун Квазимодо и поэт Пьер Гренгуар добиваются любви одной женщины — цыганки Эсмеральды, но основное соперничество возникает между Фролло и Квазимодо…

The Jungle Book (1942) Action, Adventure, Family Color Movie

The Jungle Book (1942) Action, Adventure, Family Color Movie
7 589 988
MOWGLI, HALF-BOY, HALF WOLF . . . armed only with a knife and the love of a girl, meets the challenge of Shere Khan, the Killer Tiger!
A boy raised by wild animals tries to adapt to human village life.
Director: Zoltan Korda
Writer: Laurence Stallings (adaptation) & Rudyard Kipling (novel)
Stars: Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen
Genres: Classics, Action, Adventure, Family
@CCC socials:

The Knockout (1914) - Charlie Chaplin - new color - alternative version

The Knockout (1914) - Charlie Chaplin - new color - alternative version
20 115
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- To show his girl how brave he is Fatty challenges the champion to a fight. Charlie referees, trying to avoid contact with the two monsters.
'The Knockout' (1914) was Charlie Chaplin's seventeenth film for Keystone Studios. Chaplin only has a small role, and Fatty Arbuckle takes up the main role (it is one of only a few films in which Chaplin's Little Tramp character appears in a secondary role; Chaplin doesn't even appear until the second half of the film). It also stars Arbuckle's wife, Minta Durfee, Edgar Kennedy, and Keystone owner, Mack Sennett in a minor role as a spectator. The film was directed by Charles Avery and made in 1914 in America.
Directed by Charles Avery
Produced by Mack Sennett
Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle
Minta Durfee
Edgar Kennedy
Charles Chaplin
Frank Opperman
Al St. John
Hank Mann
Mack Swain
Cinematography - Frank D. Williams
Distributed by Keystone Studios
Release date - June 11, 1914 #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Knockout - Charlie Chaplin COLOR/ Colour/ Farbe (Laurel & Hardy)

The Knockout - Charlie Chaplin COLOR/ Colour/ Farbe (Laurel & Hardy)
89 874
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. wo down-and-out hoboes pretend to be pugilists in order to make some money to eat. One of them claims to be Cyclone Flynn, the boxing champion. In the meantime Pug, a good-hearted local strongman, has fought and defeated several mashers who were bothering his girlfriend. The mashers make up with Pug and propose to enter him to fight the fake Cyclone Flynn at a local theater.
Enter the real Cyclone Flynn, who expels the hoboes and takes over the engagement. The fight starts, comically refereed by Chaplin's character. It quickly deteriorates into chaos, after Pug steals a gambler's revolvers and chases the champion from the ring. A long chase sequence involving the boxers, spectators, Pug's girlfriend, and the Keystone Kops follows.
Please watch also: https://www.youtube.com/user/DorothyOC
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Last Man

The Last Man
13 861 173
Written and Directed by Gavin Rothery
Original soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/charlottehatherley/sets/the-last-man
Starring Richard D Glover
Produced by Philip Herd
Original score by Charlotte Hatherley
Sound Design by Paul Carter
For more of my work and contact details, visit my portfolio website www.gavinrothery.com
Категория: Фантастика

The Last Man on Earth (1964) COLORIZED | Horror, Sci-Fi | Full Length Movie

The Last Man on Earth (1964) COLORIZED | Horror, Sci-Fi | Full Length Movie
402 916
By night they leave their graves, crawling, shambling, through empty streets, whimpering, pleading, begging for his blood!
When a disease turns all of humanity into the living dead, the last man on earth becomes a reluctant vampire hunter.
Watch the original B&W version: https://youtu.be/LqX-jxK03UM
Directors: Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow
Writers: Richard Matheson, William F. Leicester
Stars: Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia, Emma Danieli
Genre: Drama, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
0:00 Full Movie
2:15 A person reflects on their life in a world that has become empty and silent.
36:07 A discussion about a viral outbreak and the possibility of vampires.
48:36 The speaker is determined to find someone and is concerned about their safety, while also reflecting on their past desires and current situation.
1:09:07 The speaker theorizes that they are immune to a vampire microbe after being bitten by a bat, and suggests containing the virus rather than killing it.

The New Janitor (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN - Mack Sennett - color (Laurel & Hardy)

The New Janitor (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN - Mack Sennett - color (Laurel & Hardy)
182 168
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- The New Janitor was the 27th comedy from Keystone Studios to feature Charlie Chaplin. The film is arguably one of his best for the studio, and a precursor to a key Essanay Studios short, The Bank.
The hero, a janitor played by Chaplin, is fired from work for accidentally knocking his bucket of water out the window and onto his boss the chief banker (Tandy). Meanwhile, one of the junior managers (Dillon) is being threatened with exposure by his bookie for gambling debts unpaid. Thus the manager decides to steal from the company. He is caught in the act of raiding the vault by the bank secretary (Carruthers) who rings the downstairs for help. Chaplin comes to the rescue only to be misjudged by the Chief Banker as the thief. The Secretary fingers the manager and Charlie receives a just reward and a handshake for foiling the robbery.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Plank (Доска)

The Plank (Доска)
57 518
Классическая короткометражная британская комедия. Двое рабочих доставляют доску на строительную площадку. Это делается с музыкой на фоне "молчаливого диалога"", который состоит из нескольких звуков передающих соответствующие эмоции.
1967 г. Режиссер Эрик Сайкс (Eric Sykes).
Перевод не требуется.
От себя. много смеялся ))) Создается приятная атмосфера, напоминающая атмосферу комедий Л.Гайдая. Рекомендую как образец хорошей постановки и комедийной игры.
Категория: КомедияЗарубежные
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