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Amazon battle - Zan, King Of The Jungle (1969)

Amazon battle - Zan, King Of The Jungle (1969)
3 905 221
Zan (Steve Hawkes) helps the Amazons defeat two gangsters who wished to take over a sacred gold treasure from the women's tribe, who are led by their queen (Kitty Swan).
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Категория: Фантастика

An **Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film: "The Space Between Us" | TheCGBros

An **Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film:
3 647 621
Watch this amazing **Award-Winning** sci-fi short film called "The Space Between Us" as we find the world choking on pollution, and needing oxygen masks to survive. However, the key to humanity"s survival may be held by a captured sea-creature named "Adam"! For more information, please see the details and links below:
We follow Juliette, a cleaning lady in a research institute called Beacon. The world of Beacon is a desolate place where the remainder of the human race is forced to use oxygen masks to survive because of severe air pollution.
In their search for finding a new way of living they manage to capture a sea creature, they name Adam that could prove vital in mankind's salvation. The short film explores the theme self-sacrifice in a fast-paced action, sci-fi setting. The main selling point is the VFX done by a crew of 10 students at The Netherlands Film Academy.
A solid pipeline was set up which ensured a coherent workflow across various disciplines. Most of the indoor action was shot on an extensive location at a concrete factory.
The outdoor scenes were shot with the actors on a green screen set and composited with fully rendered backgrounds. The Netherlands Film Academy first ever high - profile CG creature Adam was a big achievement for the small team.
FX was also an integral part of the film as a large chunk of the action takes place underwater. The film has received a lot of positive feedback from audiences during the screening at Eye Film Museum.
The film has won four awards at the 2015 edition of the Scifi Film Festival in Australia.
Directed by
Marc S. Nollkaemper
Elsa May Averill ... Juliette
Adrian Brine ... Joseph
Jurandy Martien ... Fisherman #2
Phi Nguyen ... Scientist
Sarita Ospina ... Drunk Pedestrian (as Sarah Ospina)
Simon van den Broek ... Guard
Leon van Waas ... Fisherman #1
Kiefer Zwart ... Adam
Complete List-https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4697186/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
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Special Thank"s to formaDISSENY for making our logo intro animation!! http://www.formadisseny.com/en/
If you’re a CGI ARTIST, ANIMATOR, FILM MAKER or STUDIO and would like your project showcased on our TheCGBros please visit http://bit.ly/2byguiS
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Категория: Фантастика


90 252
Симпатичная студентка Анна просыпается после вечеринки и обнаруживает на своем смартфоне загадочное приложение «Айрис»… Активируя приложение, Анна запускает головокружительную и трагическую череду событий в жизни своих друзей и знакомых. Кто за этим стоит?
Категория: Фантастика

Andromeda S1E1

Andromeda S1E1
26 320
Категория: Фантастика

ANDROMEDA: Mass Effect ➤ Прохождение #1 ➤ ДРУГАЯ ГАЛАКТИКА

ANDROMEDA: Mass Effect ➤ Прохождение #1 ➤ ДРУГАЯ ГАЛАКТИКА
705 739
Это Прохождение игры Mass Effect: Andromeda на Русском языке на PC (ПК) в Full HD 1080p и 60fps.
⭐ Дешевые Игры: http://bit.ly/GidSB ✅ Скидка 3% по коду: 932B9904EDD443B1
VIP Подписка: http://bit.ly/gidsp
▶ Все Прохождения: https://goo.gl/hwXK9G
Дискорд: http://bit.ly/giddc
✌ Группа ВК: https://vk.com/thegideongames
Инста: https://www.instagram.com/gid.w
Я в ВК: https://vk.com/GideonW
Второй канал: https://www.youtube.com/TheGideonLive
☕ Твич: http://www.twitch.tv/thegideongames
✍ Заказ Рекламы: https://vk.com/topic-46914739_30721439
В Mass Effect: Andromeda вы окажетесь в галактике Андромеды, далеко за пределами Млечного Пути. Там придется сражаться на враждебной территории, где пришельцы — МЫ.
00:00:00 - Начало стрима
00:04:16 - Начало игры
00:13:47 - Разговор с Гарсон
00:16:23 - Осматриваемся
00:18:38 - Что происходит?
00:19:32 - Добираемся до монорельса
00:20:26 - Встреча с Капитаном
00:24:54 - Экипируемся и идём в ангар
00:27:51 - Встреча с Корай и Карлайном
00:34:37 - В поисках членов отряда
01:21:25 - Разговор с Корай и Лиамом
01:23:49 - Вкачиваем навыки
01:28:09 - В поисках Первопроходца
01:29:47 - Неожиданная встреча
01:32:10 - Следуем и защищаем Первопроходца
01:39:35 - Открываем дверь
01:51:10 - Окончание стрима
Категория: Фантастика

ARCHANGEL | Fantasy Sci fi Film

ARCHANGEL | Fantasy Sci fi Film
6 044 706
If you'd like to know the rest of the story, the graphic novel is available here: https://payhip.com/b/hC0F
Thank you!
This is my proof of concept for the origin story of Michael, the great archangel once born to earth, who grew to lead an army against the almighty deceiver Lucifer and his rebel legions
Behind the Scenes: https://youtu.be/wwKJlKMh3rw
This film was done with the help of friends and family. It was a lot of work with very little budget. We shot primarily on the Sony a7s. (I not II). The battle scenes were shot on an epic. No expensive wire rigs, just a bunch of people having fun on trampolines with super heavy armor on! For anyone wondering, there is more to the story. A graphic novel treatment that I hope to turn into a longer form series or film. This project took over a year and a half in post, between jobs and trips. So many late nights. To those that helped me create this ambitious project, thank you so much. I've probably read too many fantasy novels in my life so it was a lot of fun to take something that has a basis in historical literature and religion and put it into a world that I love.
Категория: Фантастика

Assasins Creed Rogue Игрофильм

Assasins Creed Rogue Игрофильм
123 874
Монтированное прохождение игры Assasins Creed Rogue.
Категория: Фантастика

Assassin's Creed Valhalla ИГРОФИЛЬМ на русском ● PC прохождение без комментариев ● BFGames

Assassin's Creed Valhalla ИГРОФИЛЬМ на русском ● PC прохождение без комментариев ● BFGames
594 811
Игра Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, была пройдена, записана и смонтирована в ИГРОФИЛЬМ автором канала - BFGames. Видео состоит из игровых катсцен, ярких геймплейных моментов и диалогов основной сюжетной линии. Приятного просмотра.
Действие игры начинается в 873 году во времена завоеваний викингов. Игроку предстоит взять на себя роль воителя Эйвора, ведущего своих сородичей от берегов холодной Норвегии до плодородных земель Англии в поисках нового дома. Клану Эйвора противостоят лидеры четырёх англо-саксонских королевств: Уэссекса, Нортумбрии, Восточной Англии и Мерсии во главе с Альфредом Великим. Также герою предстоит встретиться с Незримыми и помочь им в борьбе против Ордена древних. Как и в предыдущей части серии в XXI веке продолжается история Лейлы Хассан.
#AssassinsCreedValhallaИгрофильм #AssassinsCreedValhallaбезкомментариев #AssassinsCreedValhallaполноепрохождение #AssassinsCreedValhallaпрохождениебезкомментариев
Характеристики ПК BFGames:
Материнская плата MSI Z390-A PRO
Процессор Intel Core i5-9600KF (3700Mhz/LGA1151/L3 9216Kb)
Оперативка Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 DIMM 3000MHz PC-24000 CL15 - 32Gb KIT (4x8Gb)
Видеокарта GigaByte GeForce GTX 1660 Ti AORUS 1890Mhz PCI-E 3.0 6144Mb 12000Mhz
Жесткий диск Western Digital 500Gb WDS500G2B0A
Категория: Фантастика

Aulad - Hindi Full Movie - Jeetendra - Jaya Prada - Sridevi - 80's Hit - (With Eng Subtitles)

Aulad - Hindi Full Movie - Jeetendra - Jaya Prada - Sridevi - 80's Hit - (With Eng Subtitles)
16 617 003
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Anand and Devki on one hand, and Yashoda and Vicky on the other, have got married recently. While Devki has a child, Yashoda is expecting. The two couples meet in a train, which unfortunately meets with an accident. This accident brings an unexpected twist in both their lives. What is the twist and what are going to be the consequences of that twist?
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