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Charlie Chaplin -Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914) b/w new version

Charlie Chaplin -Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914) b/w new version
1 232 613
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----- The film is based on Dressler's stage play Tillie's Nightmare by A. Baldwin Sloane and Edgar Smith. Tillie's Punctured Romance is notable for being the last Chaplin film which he neither wrote nor directed, as well as the first feature-length comedy in all of cinema. In it, Chaplin plays an entirely different role from his Tramp character, which was relatively new at the time.#CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: Getting Acquainted (1914) Color

Charlie Chaplin: Getting Acquainted (1914) Color
575 351
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----- Getting Acquainted, subsequently retitled A Fair Exchange, is a comedy silent film written and directed by Charles Chaplin, starring Chaplin and Mabel Normand, and produced by Mack Sennett for Keystone Studios. #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: The Adventurer (1917)

Charlie Chaplin: The Adventurer (1917)
9 634
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----- The Adventurer is a comedy written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin.
It is the twelfth and final film produced by Chaplin with Mutual Film. It was released on October 22, 1917, and is considered to be one of Chaplin's best works.
In this film, Chaplin is an escaped convict. After a manhunt, he meets a beautiful girl (Edna Purviance), but he already has a big and strong boyfriend (Eric Campbell)...
#CharlieChaplin​ #TheAdventurer #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: The Cure (1917)

Charlie Chaplin: The Cure (1917)
13 526
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----- The Cure is a film from 1917 written and directed by Charlie Chaplin.
It is the 10th film Chaplin produced with Mutual FIlm. The Cure stars Chaplin, Edna Purviance, and Eric Campbell. It was released on the 16th of April 1917. This time Chaplin is a drunkard who goes to a spa for detox. But he carries a suitcase full of alcohol with him ...
#CharlieChaplin​ #TheCure​ #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin In His New Job (1915) | Ben Turpin | Charlotte Mineau

Charlie Chaplin In His New Job (1915) | Ben Turpin | Charlotte Mineau
25 999
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----- Watch Charlie Chaplin In His New Job (1915).
#CharlieChaplin​ #HisNewJob​ #SilentFilm​
Description: Charlie is trying to get a job in a movie. After causing difficulty on the set he is told to help the carpenter. When one of the actors doesn't show, Charlie is given a chance to act but instead enters a dice game. When he does finally act he ruins the scene, wrecks the set, and tears the skirt from the star.
Director: Charlie Chaplin
Producer: Jess Robbins
Writer: Charlie Chaplin, Louella Parsons
Starring: Charles Chaplin, Ben Turpin, Charlotte Mineau, Leo White, Robert Bolder, Charles J. Stine, Arthur W. Bates, Jess Robbins #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Knockout (1914) - Charlie Chaplin - new color - alternative version

The Knockout (1914) - Charlie Chaplin - new color - alternative version
20 115
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----- To show his girl how brave he is Fatty challenges the champion to a fight. Charlie referees, trying to avoid contact with the two monsters.
'The Knockout' (1914) was Charlie Chaplin's seventeenth film for Keystone Studios. Chaplin only has a small role, and Fatty Arbuckle takes up the main role (it is one of only a few films in which Chaplin's Little Tramp character appears in a secondary role; Chaplin doesn't even appear until the second half of the film). It also stars Arbuckle's wife, Minta Durfee, Edgar Kennedy, and Keystone owner, Mack Sennett in a minor role as a spectator. The film was directed by Charles Avery and made in 1914 in America.
Directed by Charles Avery
Produced by Mack Sennett
Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle
Minta Durfee
Edgar Kennedy
Charles Chaplin
Frank Opperman
Al St. John
Hank Mann
Mack Swain
Cinematography - Frank D. Williams
Distributed by Keystone Studios
Release date - June 11, 1914 #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Где похоронен Луи де Фюнес. Where Louis de Funes is buried. Le Cellier. France. Ле Селье. Франция.

Где похоронен Луи де Фюнес. Where Louis de Funes is buried. Le Cellier. France. Ле Селье. Франция.
122 191
#LouisdeFunes #ЛуидеФюнес #LeCellier #France #могила #кино #фантомас #Актёр #Артист #Artist #Франция #Нант #Клермонт #замок #поместье #усадьба #разиня #большаяпрогулка #комик #розы
Случилось побывать на могиле Луи де Фюнеса. 27 Сентября 2018 года.
Одновременно и радосно и грусно. Спасибо Алану, что показал.
Известный во всем мире французский актер, прославившийся своими комическими ролями в кино, Луи Де Фюнес хорошо знаком и любим. Невозможно представить себе фильм «Фантомас» без смешного вездесущего комиссара Жюфа. В жизни актер был человеком скромным, не любящим шумных компаний, и почти всегда серьезным.
Последние годы жизни прожил по рекомендации врачей вдали от городской суеты, в замке Клермон. Там он с удовольствием наслаждался природой, рыбачил, разводил розы, которые любил дарить жене. Перенес несколько инфарктов. В возрасте шестидесяти девяти лет его не стало. Похоронен на кладбище небольшой деревни Лё Селье, недалеко от города Нант.
Могила Луи Де Фюнеса очень скромно выглядит, пришедшему впервые ее нелегко найти . О карьере актера не задумывался. В кино начал сниматься в эпизодических ролях, длившихся несколько минут. Но успех пришел к актеру.
Он стал исполнять главные роли, которые впоследствии стали классическими во французском кинематографе. Когда начались проблемы со здоровьем, с семьей переехал в замок Клермон, купленный еще в молодости. После смерти актера замок несколько раз менял владельцев.
Умер актер от сердечного приступа. Могила Луи Де Фюнеса находится на кладбище неподалеку от замка.
Louis de Funès son nom complet est Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza. Né le 31 juillet 1914 à Courbevoie - décédé le 27 janvier 1983 à Nantes - acteur, réalisateur et scénariste français d'origine espagnole, l'un des plus grands humoristes du cinéma mondial.
Il y a d'innombrables acteurs qui font pleurer le public, mais ceux qui sont capables de faire rire sont beaucoup moins courants.
Louis de Funes a été inhumé au cimetière de la ville du Cellier, au même endroit où il vivait avec sa famille, dans le domaine, ou plus correctement, dans le château de Clermont.
Le château appartenait autrefois à la famille Guy de Maupasan.
Je tiens à vous rappeler que Guy de Maupasant est un célèbre écrivain français.
Louis de Funes aimait parfois évoquer le patronyme de Maupassant, comme pour évoquer la relation de sa femme avec Guy de Maupassant, même si pour certaines informations, les proches de sa femme Jeanne n'étaient que des homonymes de ce célèbre écrivain.
Louis de Funes, hésitait à conduire. Je pêchais, je cultivais des roses.
Il existe même une variété de rose - Louis de Funes
Il aimait beaucoup cultiver, comme il est maintenant à la mode de dire des produits bio, et en a fourni à sa famille.
Il avait un chien préféré "Tsar"
Il aimait aussi les chats.
Bien qu'il fût, comme on dit, un grognard. Mais il voulait être en Union soviétique, les films avec sa participation étaient visionnés gratuitement.
Le domaine de Louis de Funes a été vendu après sa mort. Le musée créé sous elle a été fermé en 2016 - les héritiers ne pouvaient pas acheter les locaux aux nouveaux propriétaires.
«Je sais quelle sera ma meilleure blague.
- Qu'est-ce que c'est?
- Mes funérailles. Je dois le jouer pour qu'ils rient. »
Louis de Funes
Louis de Funès his full name is Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza. Born July 31, 1914, in Courbevoie - died January 27, 1983, in Nantes - French film actor, film director and screenwriter of Spanish descent, one of the greatest comedians in world cinema.
There are countless actors who make the audience cry, but those who are capable of making laugh are much less common.
Louis de Funes was buried in the cemetery of the town of Le Cellier, in the same place where he lived with his family, in the estate, or more correctly, in the castle of Clermont.
The castle once belonged to the Guy de Maupasan family.
I would like to remind you that Guy de Maupasant is a famous French writer.
Louis de Funes sometimes liked to mention the surname de Maupassant, as if hinting at the relationship of his wife's relationship with Guy de Maupassant, although for some information, the relatives of his wife Jeanne were just namesakes of this famous writer.
Louis de Funes, Was reluctant to drive. I was fishing, growing roses.
There is even a rose variety - Louis de Funes
He was very fond of growing, as it is now fashionable to say organic products, and provided his family with them.
He had a favorite dog "Tsar"
He also loved cats.
Although he was, as they say, a curmudgeon. But he wanted to be in the Soviet Union, films with his participation were watched for free.
The country estate of Louis de Funes was sold after his death. The museum created under her was closed in 2016 - the heirs were unable to buy the premises from the new owners.
“I know what my best joke will be.
- What is it?
- My funeral. I have to play it so that they laugh. ”Louis de Funes

Charlie Chaplin 'Colori' Festival (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin 'Colori' Festival (Laurel & Hardy)
641 599
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----- Charlie Chaplin 'Colori' Festival (Laurel & Hardy) #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin In Person (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin In Person (Laurel & Hardy)
196 487
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----- Charlie Chaplin In Person (Laurel & Hardy) #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Laurel & Hardy - TONIGHT-SHOW - Comedy & Slapstick

Laurel & Hardy - TONIGHT-SHOW - Comedy & Slapstick
4 622
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----- Laurel & Hardy - TONIGHT-SHOW - Comedy & Slapstick
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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