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Charlie Chaplin - Best Day Ever! (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori

Charlie Chaplin - Best Day Ever! (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
9 477
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----- Charlie Chaplin - Best Day Ever! (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy) color

CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy) color
4 925
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2 (Laurel & Hardy) COLOR

Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2 (Laurel & Hardy) COLOR
1 128 594
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Charlie Chaplin in Color Vol. 2 (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin : Color (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin : Color (Laurel & Hardy)
7 054
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Charlie Chaplin : Color (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Babe Hardy - One Too Many (Laurel & Hardy)

Babe Hardy - One Too Many (Laurel & Hardy)
3 316
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Babe Hardy - One Too Many (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Comedy Show with all Stars (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Comedy Show with all Stars (Laurel & Hardy) Color
3 449
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Comedy Show with all Stars (Laurel & Hardy) Color
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Making a Living - Color

Charlie Chaplin - Making a Living - Color
7 810
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Der Schwindler Chaplin versucht, von einem Passanten, gespielt von Regisseur Henry Lehrman, Geld zu ergaunern. Wenig später hält Chaplin um die Hand einer jungen Dame an. Dabei wird er von Lehrman überrascht und es kommt zu einer Schlägerei, aus der Chaplin als Sieger hervorgeht.
Als Chaplin sich um die Stelle eines Zeitungsreporters bewirbt, begegnet er erneut seinem Gegner, der für die Redaktion als Reporter tätig ist. Lehrmann filmt zwar einen spektakulären Autounfall, aber Chaplin stiehlt ihm die Kamera. Das Fotomaterial macht ihn zum Starreporter, aber bald kommt es zu einer wilden Schlägerei zwischen Chaplin und Lehrman.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: The Masquerader (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Charlie Chaplin: The Masquerader (Laurel & Hardy) Color
15 107
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Chaplin plays a mischievous version of himself in this splendid comedy. He is first seen in his civilian clothes—and without comedy makeup—entering the Keystone studios. Once he has put on his familiar comedy makeup and Tramp costume, he flirts with two attractive ladies, misses his cue, and twice ruins the scene being filmed. He is eventually replaced and ultimately fired by the director. The crafty Charlie reenters the studio disguised as a charming young woman and is hired at once as a leading lady. Charlie quickly reverts back to his familiar comedy makeup and clothes, reveals his imposture, and is chased about the studio. The film ends with Charlie, having retreated into the studio well, submerged in water and defeated in his masquerade. The Masquerader is the second of three comedies in which Chaplin appears as a woman; the earlier A Busy Day has Chaplin in crude drag playing a shrewish wife; the later A Woman (1915) further develops what he achieved in this comedy: a brilliant transformation to a soft, feminine, and seductive woman. The Masquerader is also one of several Chaplin comedies, like the earlier A Film Johnnie and the later His New Job (1915) and Behind the Screen (1916), set in a motion picture studio.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: The Rounders (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Charlie Chaplin: The Rounders (Laurel & Hardy) Color
12 367
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- A drunk reveller (Chaplin) returns home to a scolding from his wife. Then his equally inebriated neighbor (Arbuckle) goes home to a cold reception from his wife. When the first couple hear the physical altercation across the hall (the second man starts strangling his wife after she hits him), the reveller's wife sends him to investigate. The two men flee together and end up in a cafe, where they also cause trouble. When their spouses track them down, they escape, this time to a leaky rowboat. Safely out of reach of their wives, they fall asleep, oblivious to the rising water into which they eventually disappear.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori

Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
13 314
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
★  подборка сегодня
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