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Mesa of Lost Women

Mesa of Lost Women
2 406 987
A mad scientist named Arana is creating giant spiders and dwarves in his lab on Zarpa Mesa in Mexico. He wants to create a master race of superwomen by injecting his female subjects with spider venom.
Mesa of Lost Women is a 1953 American low-budget black-and-white science fiction film directed by Ron Ormond and Herbert Tevos from a screenplay by the latter and Orville H. Hampton.
The film opens with a brief scene serving as its introduction. A man is being caressed by feminine hands. The next shot includes the face of the woman, Tarantella (Tandra Quinn). A brief kiss between her and the man, ends with his lifeless body falling down. A disembodied voice asks the audience "Have you ever been kissed by a girl like this?" [1] The narrative properly begins in a desert. A narrator (Lyle Talbot) mocks the overblown ego of humanity, a race of puny bipeds which claims to own planet Earth and every living thing on it. Yet, they are outnumbered by the insects, and the Hexapods are likely to survive longer that the humans.[1] The narrator then claims that when men or women venture off "the well beaten path of civilization" and deal with the unknown, the price of their survival is the loss of their sanity.
During this narration, the film introduces its protagonists Grant Phillips (Robert Knapp) and Doreen Culbertson (Paula Hill). The narrator explains that the two of them are lost in the "great Mexican desert", the "Muerto desert". They are nearly dead from dehydration and sunburn when discovered by an American surveyor and his Mexican companion. These characters are identified as Frank (John Martin) and Pepe (Chrispin Martin).The two victims of the desert recover their senses in "Amer-Exico Field Hospital", somewhere in Mexico. Grant starts narrating his story to Doc Tucker (Allan Nixon), foreman Dan Mulcahey (Richard Travis), and Pepe.
The film flash-backs to events occurring a year earlier in Zarpa Mesa. Famous scientist Leland Masterson (Harmon Stevens) arrives, having accepted an invitation Dr. Aranya (Jackie Coogan). Aranya has reportedly penned "brilliant" scientific treatises, and Masterson looks forward to meeting him in person. Masterson is genuinely intrigued by Aranya's theories, but his host informs Masterson that his work is not theoretical. He has already completed successful experiments, creating both human-sized tarantula spiders and human women with the abilities and instincts of spiders. His creation Tarantella has regenerative abilities, sufficient to regrow severed limbs. He seriously expects her to have a lifespan of several centuries. His experiments have had less success in male humans, who simply turn to disfigured dwarfs.

Oats Studios - Volume 1 - Rakka

Oats Studios - Volume 1 - Rakka
25 343 221
Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/633030/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/oatsstudios/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oatsstudios/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oatsstudios
Категория: Фантастика

Obitaemiy Ostrov 2008

Obitaemiy Ostrov 2008
114 876
Категория: Фантастика

Origin - Ep 1 "The Road Not Taken"

Origin - Ep 1
110 612 563
The passengers wake up on board the Origin, abandoned in space. They search for other survivors, but find something else entirely.
Available with YouTube Premium - https://www.youtube.com/premium/originals. To see if Premium is available in your country, click here: https://goo.gl/A3HtfP
Follow Origin on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/originseries...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/originseries
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/origin_series/
0:00 Awake
4:29 Not Alone
8:42 Tokyo
11:44 Exploration & Consequences
20:14 Life Thru A Lens
25:15 Blood
31:25 Brothers
36:41 Rescue Mission
42:04 Behind The Door
Категория: Фантастика

Overlord 2 Игрофильм

Overlord 2 Игрофильм
247 719
Монтированное прохождение игры Overlord 2
Overlord - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34XwQMlp-P8
Overlord: Raising Hell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaCZaFOnsU4
Категория: Фантастика

Overlord Игрофильм

Overlord Игрофильм
209 471
Монтированное прохождение игры Overlord
Продолжение - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaCZaFOnsU4
Overlord 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8t1giVziBY
Категория: Фантастика

P-51: Истребитель драконов / Фантастика / HD

P-51: Истребитель драконов / Фантастика / HD
3 802 632
1943 год. В разгар Второй мировой войны нацисты используют против войск секретное оружие. Это оружие — живые драконы, которые были обнаружены в Северной Африке. Единственная надежда войск союзников — эскадрилья истребителей P-51, которая должна вступить в бой с древними чудовищами. На плечи пилотов эскадрильи ложится самое ответственное задание в их жизни. От исхода миссии будет зависеть исход войны…
Другие фильмы на канале:
КРОВАВЫЙ ПУНШ / Триллер / Фантастика / Боевик / Комедия / HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTr5wnAoDGI
ДЖУНГЛИ / Приключения / HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebMSA5oACd8
Стать спонсором канала и получить ранний доступ к новым фильмам - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCffrsGnW6FRcNXwyVDVnQyQ/membership
Категория: Фантастика


14 683 989
PREDATOR: Dark Ages is a short fan film. Winner 'best fan film' at the Tri-Cities International Film Festival.
Set during the Crusades, the faith & fighting skills of a group of Templar Knights is put to the test when they encounter the Predator. Their battle is the thing Myths and Legends are born from.
Starring Adrian Bouchet, Amed Hashimi, Sabine Crossen, Ben loyd-Holmes, Jon Campling, Joe Egan and Philip Lane.
Written and directed by James Bushe.
Director of Photography - Simon Rowling. http://www.srcinematography.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PredDarkAges
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Predator_DA
A huge thank you to all our kickstarter contributors and everyone that has supported our film. We couldn't of done it with out you and hope you enjoy!
This is an independent, non-profit, artistic expression created purely as a fan film, for fans, by fans! It is in no way connected to, or endorsed by 20th Century Fox, nor is it intended to undermine or compete with any existing or forthcoming material.
Категория: Фантастика

Prototype 2 Игрофильм

Prototype 2 Игрофильм
3 476 390
Монтированное прохождение игры Prototype 2. Записана сюжетная кампания и пара побочных миссий, для плавности повествования. Снималось с читами для сокращения хронометража (бесконечных прыжков, уворотов и поглощений вражьей плоти) а так же уменьшения количества дублей.
P.s. Первая версия длилась 4 часа 7 минут :)
Prototype Игрофильм (Первая часть) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLSBF7AzPMk
Категория: ФантастикаБоевик
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