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The Best Stargate Space Battles HQ

The Best Stargate Space Battles HQ
2 384 100
Hey!! I'm back with this awesome video and SG-1 in HQ. Enjoy:) .
Battle of Dakara: http://youtu.be/2VMYgoffuqg
More views,more thumbs up=More SG-1 Space Battles in HQ.
00:00 1.Immediate Music - Epicon
01:30 2.Audiomachine - Command and Conquer
02:14 3.Immediate Music - With Great Power
04:04 4.Immediate Music - Calsh of Titans
05:15 5.Immediate Music - With an Iron Fist
06:25 6.City Of The Fallen - Prince of Darkness
06:50 7.Audiomachine - Ad Suprema
08:02 8.Audiomachine - Sands of Time
10:14 9.Two Steps From Hell - ASAP
All rights reserved to the rightfull owners.
Video made for fun and to promote this AWESOME STARGATE series.
MGM pls bring STARGATE back!!!!
Stargate Atlantis and SG-1 © Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved
Категория: Фантастика

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena - Game Movie

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena - Game Movie
5 318 993
This is a story-based video of the game "The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena" in the movie style:
◾️ I made my own cutscenes using a third-person view and camera angles that are not available during walkthrough.
◾️ Some scenes are created using voice files (the voice of Riddick and other characters), unpacked from the game’s resources (they are not used in the game). So we got completely new scenes.
◾️ In addition, I completely removed the interface of the game, recorded the gameplay in a role-style, and edited sounds and music.
◾️ Added external english subtitles.
❗️The production of such a video takes a lot of time and I do it for all Riddick fans. Hope you enjoy it. Support my channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/deealup
‍☠️ Watch the prequel of Riddick's adventures in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay: https://youtu.be/kRpUdhREbTw
This is a sequel оf "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and still takes place before the events of the "Pitch Black" movie. Following Riddick and Johns' escape from the Butcher Bay Correctional Facility, both men are deep in cryogenic sleep. Riddick wakes up early and is witness to their escape ship being dragged unwillingly into the Dark Athena, a gigantic mercenary vessel run by Gale Revas and her second in command, Spinner...
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:58 - Dream
00:02:05 - The Dark Athena
00:06:04 - Aboard the Dark Athena
00:08:00 - Lynn
00:10:17 - Mercs
00:19:41 - Sleep tight, Johns
00:20:00 - Kal Bonner from Butcher Bay
00:23:01 - Jaylor
00:24:55 - Max Dacher
00:28:03 - Ellen Silverman
00:29:53 - Deal
00:32:00 - Margo's Gold Tooth
00:38:14 - Quest for Vent Tool
00:42:35 - Exbob masturbates
00:44:21 - Quest for DataPad
00:48:53 - Desiria "Sad Eyes" Grinder
00:50:32 - Irvin Senate - Captain of the Athena
00:54:53 - Catch the Vermin
01:00:52 - Spine of the Ship
01:01:35 - Drone Mile
01:04:54 - Miles Rednox
01:07:06 - Queen Bee Mating Dance
01:09:23 - Mech Fight
01:10:35 - Mech Ride
01:14:18 - Mutiny
01:15:31 - Monster
01:20:20 - Hangar Bay
01:22:33 - Good Bye, Revas.
01:25:28 - Aguerra Prime
01:29:19 - SCAR Gun
01:34:43 - Back to the Athena
01:35:36 - Alpha Drone
01:36:27 - Ghost Town
01:39:33 - Arena
01:41:57 - Into the Ship
01:46:24 - Spinner
01:48:10 - Servants
01:51:16 - Alpha Ride
01:53:31 - When I say Goodbye
01:55:00 - Titles (Awaiting the Turmoil Song)
Developers: http://www.starbreeze.com/, Tigon Studios
Publisher: https://www.atari.com/
Категория: Фантастика

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Game Movie

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Game Movie
3 080 742
This is a story-based video of the game "The Chronicles of Riddick: Ecsape from Butcher Bay" in the movie style:
◾️ I made my own cutscenes using a third-person view and camera angles that are not available during the walkthrough.
◾️ Some scenes are created using voice files (the voice of Riddick and other characters), unpacked from the game’s resources (they are not used in the game). So we got completely new scenes.
◾️ In addition, I completely removed the interface of the game, recorded the gameplay in a role-style, and edited sounds and music.
◾️ Added external english subtitles.
❗️ The production of such a video takes a lot of time and I do it for all Riddick fans. Hope you enjoy it. And if you want to support my channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/deealup
▶️ Plot:
The game takes place before the events of the "Pitch Black" movie. You will see how Riddick managed to escape from the tripple-max prison and how he got his shining eyes.
▶️ Watch the sequel of Riddick's adventures in The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: https://youtu.be/Zizc3Dnf2fk
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:55 - Arrival at Butcher Bay
00:04:30 - Prison Walk
00:11:56 - Wanna Live - Get a Shiv
00:13:48 - Meet Rust
00:16:04 - Prison Talk
00:18:42 - Aquilans
00:20:00 - Rust
00:23:08 - Infirmary
00:26:34 - Riot
00:30:55 - The Pit
00:34:21 - How Riddick Got His Shining Eyes
00:36:53 - Wolf Among Sheep
00:42:13 - Abbott
00:42:44 - Not Bad, Johns.
00:46:05 - Place Where Sun Never Shine
00:49:05 - Tower 17
01:04:34 - Unfinished Business
01:07:58 - Sigmen Floyd
01:09:18 - To The Mines
01:13:37 - Upper Mines
01:16:58 - Jagger Valance
01:20:05 - From the Mines
01:20:54 - Riotguard
01:23:41 - Feed Ward
01:26:06 - Tower 19
01:27:28 - Rails
01:30:18 - What's Hell Without a Little Fire?
01:33:00 - Aliens
01:39:46 - Spaceport
01:41:12 - Ruin a Payday
01:44:16 - Cold Storage
01:50:22 - Mech
01:53:21 - Who is the Better Killer?
01:56:14 - Escape from Butcher Bay
01:58:23 - Titles
Developers: http://www.starbreeze.com/, Tigon Studios
Publisher: https://www.atari.com/
Категория: ФантастикаБоевик

The Cursed Crusade Игрофильм

The Cursed Crusade Игрофильм
442 799
Монтированное прохождение игры The Cursed Crusade

The Evil Within 2: Matriarch Final Boss Fight and Ending (4K 60fps)

The Evil Within 2: Matriarch Final Boss Fight and Ending (4K 60fps)
5 070 044
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ The Matriarch final boss fight and ending in The Evil Within 2 on PC in 4K Ultra HD and 60fps.
► If you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe for more!
The Evil Within 2 Ending Final Boss Battle The Matriarch.
Категория: Фантастика

The Last Man

The Last Man
13 861 173
Written and Directed by Gavin Rothery
Original soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/charlottehatherley/sets/the-last-man
Starring Richard D Glover
Produced by Philip Herd
Original score by Charlotte Hatherley
Sound Design by Paul Carter
For more of my work and contact details, visit my portfolio website www.gavinrothery.com
Категория: Фантастика

The Last Man on Earth (1964) COLORIZED | Horror, Sci-Fi | Full Length Movie

The Last Man on Earth (1964) COLORIZED | Horror, Sci-Fi | Full Length Movie
402 916
By night they leave their graves, crawling, shambling, through empty streets, whimpering, pleading, begging for his blood!
When a disease turns all of humanity into the living dead, the last man on earth becomes a reluctant vampire hunter.
Watch the original B&W version: https://youtu.be/LqX-jxK03UM
Directors: Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow
Writers: Richard Matheson, William F. Leicester
Stars: Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia, Emma Danieli
Genre: Drama, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
0:00 Full Movie
2:15 A person reflects on their life in a world that has become empty and silent.
36:07 A discussion about a viral outbreak and the possibility of vampires.
48:36 The speaker is determined to find someone and is concerned about their safety, while also reflecting on their past desires and current situation.
1:09:07 The speaker theorizes that they are immune to a vampire microbe after being bitten by a bat, and suggests containing the virus rather than killing it.


1 809 719
If you're in the mood for some more traditional horror go check out my new horror short 'Catch Your Breath' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBj4rcs0AiQ
As the world commences its end, a young runaway must figure out if she has chosen the right person to spend her final moments with.
Directed by: Matt Sears
Written by: Ryan Grundy
Chloe Fox
Charlotte Christof
Cinematography: Jay Slater
Music by: Tangelene Bolton
Editing and Post Production: Matt Sears
Категория: Фантастика

The Witcher 3 - Лучшие моды

The Witcher 3 - Лучшие моды
849 933
база модов - http://www.nexusmods.com/
E3FX - http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/23/?
Instant Sign Casting - http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/834/?
Debug Console Enabler Updated for 1.12 -http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1168/?
Консольные команды - https://github.com/gamebooster/witche...
Категория: Фантастика

TheDay - Судный День VGA 480P Фильм 2008г

TheDay - Судный День VGA 480P Фильм 2008г
641 884
«Судный день» (англ. Doomsday) — фантастический постапокалиптический боевик с элементами триллера 2008 года, снятый режиссёром Нилом Маршаллом. Согласно фильму, весной 2008 года Шотландию охватила пандемия таинственного смертоносного и неизлечимого вируса, известного как «Жнец» (англ. Reaper) его главные симптомы: язвы, рвота и высокая температура, после чего весь этот регион страны был изолирован, а его обречённые жители брошены на произвол судьбы. Тем не менее, в 2035 году, когда происходит действие фильма, «Жнец» снова появился — на сей раз в обильно заселённом Лондоне. Правительство Великобритании посылает отряд спецназа под командованием майора Иден Синклер (Рона Митра) в якобы вымершую Шотландию, где британский разведывательный спутник засёк признаки присутствия людей, свидетельствующие о том, что внутри карантинной зоны была найдена вакцина против вируса. Внутри карантинной зоны майор Синклер и её спутники сталкиваются с двумя агрессивными группами выживших — мародёрами-каннибалами и средневековыми воинами.
Концепция фильма изначально была основана на идее режиссёра и сценариста фильма Нила Маршалла столкнуть современных солдат со средневековыми рыцарями. Фильм содержит огромную массу киноцитат и отсылок к классическим фантастическим фильмам, в частности, «Побег из Нью-Йорка», «Безумный Макс» и другим.
Маршалл собрал для этого фильма втрое больший бюджет, чем вместе взятые бюджеты его предыдущих фильмов — «Псы-воины» (2002) и «Спуск» (2005). Съёмки велись в Шотландии (в том числе в известном замке Блэкнесс) и Южной Африке, которая и сыграла роль постапокалиптической Шотландии. Премьера фильма состоялась в России 27 марта 2008 года, в США и Канаде 14 марта 2008 года, в Великобритании 9 мая 2008 года. Фильм получил смешанные, но в основном посредственные оценки критики и собрал в прокате весьма умеренную сумму, едва окупив затраты на собственное производство.
Категория: Фантастика
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