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Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | Rohan Theme Music with Mountain Wind Ambience

Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | Rohan Theme Music with Mountain Wind Ambience
10 742 421
“Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?"
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Original footage by Behind the Door. Original video on this link: https://youtu.be/HgtZF0ogyI0
Find more content on their YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGlU9dUvpWlchVZ6vaXP4Kg
© Behind the Door - 2019
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I do not own any of the visuals or audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. Please check out the copyright links to the original music in the links below. Videos on my channel are removed immediately upon request from the copyright owners or YouTube.
Категория: Фантастика

Lost Planet - Потерянная Планета (2010) www.vek21petrov.narod.ru

Lost Planet - Потерянная Планета (2010) www.vek21petrov.narod.ru
683 280
The full-length animated movie "Lost Planet". Author of the project engineer from Moscow (Russia), Dmitry Petrov, who almost single-handedly performed all the work for 8 years (2002-2010) on his home computer in their spare time.
Used programs :
DAZ Bryce 5.5c - Animation of the environment
Curious Labs Poser 4 Pro - Character Animation
Adobe After Effects 5.5 - Creation of animated compositions
Adobe Premiere 4.2 - Video Editing
Wondertouch Particle illusion 3 - Effects with particles
Corel Photo Paint 8 - Texturing
Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5 - Sound processing
Project details :
All discussions on the russian forum:
Полнометражный анимационный фильм "Lost Planet - Потерянная Планета". Автор проекта инженер из Москвы Петров Дмитрий практически в одиночку выполнил всю работу за 8 лет (2002-2010) на своём домашнем компьютере в свободное время.
Используемые программы :
DAZ Bryce 5.5c - анимация окружающей среды
Curious Labs Poser 4 Pro - анимация персонажей
Adobe After Effects 5.5 - создание анимационных композиций
Adobe Premiere 4.2 - видеомонтаж
Wondertouch Particle illusion 3 - эффекты с частицами
Corel Photo Paint 8 - текстурирование
Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5 - обработка звука
Подробности проекта :
Все обсуждения на форуме:
Из сообщения ниже, можно подумать, что Пол Ван Дюк сопровождает все полтора часа своей музыкой мой фильм. На самом деле, жадные музыкальные компании WMG и UMG протянули к моему фильму свои щупальца только из-за 15 секундного фрагмента и никакого отношения ко мне и к моему фильму не имеют. Жадность и зависть не делают им чести и дают мне все основания больше не использовать в новых фильмах ничего из их репертуара, дабы не проводить им бесплатную рекламную компанию, паразитируя на моём творчестве.
Категория: Фантастика

Lost Planet 2 - Потерянная Планета 2 (2016) www.vek21petrov.narod.ru

Lost Planet 2 - Потерянная Планета 2 (2016) www.vek21petrov.narod.ru
329 233
Второй фильм трилогии о Потерянной Планете созданный за три года инженером из Москвы Петровым Дмитрием в свободное время на домашнем компьютере.
Подробности проекта:
Обсуждение на форуме:
The second movie of the trilogy about Lost Planet created for three years by an engineer from Moscow, Dmitry Petrov, in spare time on home computer.
Official site: http://www.vek21petrov.narod.ru/lost_planet_2.html
Forum: http://3d-animation-ru.ucoz.com/forum/23-2-1
Категория: Фантастика

LOST SOULS - Powerful Female Vocal Fantasy Music Mix | Beautiful Emotive Orchestral Music

LOST SOULS - Powerful Female Vocal Fantasy Music Mix | Beautiful Emotive Orchestral Music
10 779 946
Subscribe for more epic music: https://www.youtube.com/user/wersion751EXTENDED
Like our page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/premexhq/
Music by Phil Rey and Felicia Farerre
00:00 Phil Rey - Ad Honorem (feat. Felicia Farerre)
04:48 Phil Rey & Felicia Farerre - Lament for the Lost Souls
09:00 Phil Rey - Eternal Oblivion (feat. Felicia Farerre)
13:25 Phil Rey - Revelation (feat. Felicia Farerre)
17:28 Phil Rey - Elven Star (feat. Felicia Farerre)
21:47 Phil Rey - Born Anew (feat. Felicia Farerre)
25:11 Phil Rey & Felicia Farerre - Heart of Lore (Exclusive Fantasy Remix for PMHQ)
29:19 Phil Rey - Land of Esperance (feat. Felicia Farerre)
32:52 Phil Rey - In Excelsis (feat. Felicia Farerre)
35:27 Phil Rey - Raised from the Ashes
39:35 Phil Rey - Beyond (feat. Felicia Farerre)
44:42 Phil Rey - Time Garden (feat. Felicia Farerre)
buy this album/original tracks: https://www.feliciafarerre.net/music
Phil Rey:
itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/fr/artist/phil-rey/id494251254
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/philippereycomposer
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/phreymusic
trailer music news: http://trailermusicnews.com/buy-music/phil-rey/
imdb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4825215/
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhReyMusic
Felicia Farerre:
official site: http://www.feliciafarerre.net/
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/felicia-farerre
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feliciafarerre
twitter: https://twitter.com/feliciafarerre
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/feliciafarerre
Video animated by team Premium Music HQ
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''Melody'' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudI7kzk6yCJ3CK46I6kBQA
''Horror Music World'' https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMusibox
''Atlantis Heaven Music'' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGdVcnOBkERrxPpsWbLEATA
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Категория: Военный

Love Affair (1939) Comedy, Drama, Romance Classic Movie

Love Affair (1939) Comedy, Drama, Romance Classic Movie
204 422
A French playboy and an American former nightclub singer fall in love aboard a ship. They arrange to reunite six months later, after he has had a chance to earn a decent living.
Colorized version: https://youtu.be/KusRlVtB04I
Director: Leo McCarey
Writer(s): Delmer Daves, Donald Ogden Stewart, Mildred Cram, Leo McCarey
Stars: Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, Maria Ouspenskaya
Genre: Classics Comedy, Drama, Romance
for the LOVE of cinema:
Категория: КомедияЗарубежные

Love story (2016) мультфильм

Love story (2016) мультфильм
9 053
Анимационный, музыкальный клип «Love story» (другое название - "Любовная история") нарисованный в 2D классическом стиле анимации на Одесской студии мультипликации (http://animation-ua.com/) в 2016 году.
Подписывайтесь на наш канал: https://www.youtube.com/user/OdessAnimationStudio
Желаем Вам приятного просмотра!
#LoveStory #2DАнимация #СтудияМультипликации

Mabel's Married Life (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN & MABEL NORMAND - Mack Sennett - color - full version

Mabel's Married Life (1914) - CHARLIE CHAPLIN & MABEL NORMAND - Mack Sennett - color - full version
9 919 399
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- released on June 20th, 1914 by Mack Sennett's Keystone Studios.
Mabel Normand - Mabel
Charles Chaplin - Mabel's Husband
Mack Swain - Wellington
Eva Nelson - Wellington's wife
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Mabel's Married Life (1914) COLOR (Laurel & Hardy)

Mabel's Married Life (1914) COLOR (Laurel & Hardy)
14 531
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Mabel's Married Life is a comedy film made by Keystone Studios starring and co-written by Charles Chaplin and Mabel Normand, and directed by Chaplin. As was so often the case during his first year in film, Chaplin's character is soon staggering drunk.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) - 1st Charlie Chaplin Movie Portrayal of The Tramp - color

Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) - 1st Charlie Chaplin Movie Portrayal of The Tramp - color
15 150
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- The first time Chaplin donned his "Tramp" costume. This is however not the 1st film appearance of The Tramp, based upon release date. "Kid Auto Races at Venice" was released 2 days earlier, on February 7th, 1914.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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