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Mass Effect Игрофильм

Mass Effect Игрофильм
587 521
Представлена сюжетная линия первой части Mass Effect, диалоги с личным составом (для ознакомления с характерами). Задействованы необязательные ветки диалогов, чтобы хоть чуток погрузить в "лор". Сделано в основном с целью введения для самостоятельного, вашего, прохождения следующих частей) авось кто заинтересуется)
Но если кто-то хочет и дальше только зенками работать, вот вам чудесно смонтированное продолжение:
VK - https://new.vk.com/playatlevelgroup
Это полноценная машинима
У них же есть и первый Mass Effect)
Категория: Фантастика

Mehed ei nuta / Мужчины не плачут (Tallinnfilm, Эстония, 1964)

Mehed ei nuta / Мужчины не плачут (Tallinnfilm, Эстония, 1964)
22 683
Эстонская комедия 1964 года
Группа людей страдающих бессонницей, отправляются на лечение в санаторий, но вместо многообещающего рекреационного лечения попадают на необитаемый остров, где нет: ни аптеки, ни номеров, ни обещанного лечения... Начинаются попытки спасения с острова.
Категория: Советские

Men Behind The Sun(Человек за солнцем)

Men Behind The Sun(Человек за солнцем)
79 886
Не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 21 года и лицам со слабой психикой!
Знаете ли вы, что...
- После первого же сеанса в Японии фильм был снят с показа из-за угроз ультраправых сжечь кинотеатры. Во многих странах часть эпизодов вырезана или фильм запрещен к показу из-за натуралистичности и жестокости.Режиссер: Tun Fei Mou
В ролях: Hsu Gou, Tie Long Jin, Zhao Hua Mei, Zhe Quan, Gang Wang, Run Shen Wang, Dai Yao Wu, Andrew Yu и др.
Описание: Отряд 731 - спецотряд японской армии, занимался исследованиями в области биологического оружия, в том числе опытами на людях.
Создан в 1932 году, к концу второй мировой войны он достиг численности 3 тысячи человек и дислоцировался в китайской провинции Биньцзян, в двадцати километрах южнее Харбина. Чтобы подготовить площадку для секретного комплекса были сожжены 300 крестьянских домов. Отряд располагал собственным авиационным подразделением и официально назывался «Главное управление по водоснабжению и профилактике частей Квантунской армии».
По показаниям, на суде в Хабаровске, командующего Квантунской Армией генерала Ямады, «отряд 731» был организован в целях подготовки бактериологической войны главным образом против Советского Союза, а также против Монгольской Народной Республики, Китая и других государств. Судебным следствием было также доказано, что в «отряде 731» на живых людях, которых японские изуверы между собой называли «брёвнами», проводились и другие, не менее жестокие и мучительные опыты, не имевшие непосредственного отношения к подготовке бактериологической войны. Изучались пределы выносливости человеческого организма в определённых условиях — например, на больших высотах или при низкой температуре. Для этого людей помещали в барокамеры, фиксируя на кинопленку агонию, обмораживали конечности и затем наблюдали, как наступает гангрена… Если заключённый, несмотря на заражение его смертоносными бактериями, выздоравливал, то это не спасало его от повторных опытов, которые продолжались до тех пор, пока не наступала смерть. Во всяком случае, живым из этой фабрики смерти никто никогда не выходил.
Доп. информация: В фильме показана жизнь и работа в отряде 731. Чувствительным людям смотреть не рекомендую. Несмотря на то, что это художественный фильм, показаные события происходили на самом деле.

Mesa of Lost Women

Mesa of Lost Women
2 406 987
A mad scientist named Arana is creating giant spiders and dwarves in his lab on Zarpa Mesa in Mexico. He wants to create a master race of superwomen by injecting his female subjects with spider venom.
Mesa of Lost Women is a 1953 American low-budget black-and-white science fiction film directed by Ron Ormond and Herbert Tevos from a screenplay by the latter and Orville H. Hampton.
The film opens with a brief scene serving as its introduction. A man is being caressed by feminine hands. The next shot includes the face of the woman, Tarantella (Tandra Quinn). A brief kiss between her and the man, ends with his lifeless body falling down. A disembodied voice asks the audience "Have you ever been kissed by a girl like this?" [1] The narrative properly begins in a desert. A narrator (Lyle Talbot) mocks the overblown ego of humanity, a race of puny bipeds which claims to own planet Earth and every living thing on it. Yet, they are outnumbered by the insects, and the Hexapods are likely to survive longer that the humans.[1] The narrator then claims that when men or women venture off "the well beaten path of civilization" and deal with the unknown, the price of their survival is the loss of their sanity.
During this narration, the film introduces its protagonists Grant Phillips (Robert Knapp) and Doreen Culbertson (Paula Hill). The narrator explains that the two of them are lost in the "great Mexican desert", the "Muerto desert". They are nearly dead from dehydration and sunburn when discovered by an American surveyor and his Mexican companion. These characters are identified as Frank (John Martin) and Pepe (Chrispin Martin).The two victims of the desert recover their senses in "Amer-Exico Field Hospital", somewhere in Mexico. Grant starts narrating his story to Doc Tucker (Allan Nixon), foreman Dan Mulcahey (Richard Travis), and Pepe.
The film flash-backs to events occurring a year earlier in Zarpa Mesa. Famous scientist Leland Masterson (Harmon Stevens) arrives, having accepted an invitation Dr. Aranya (Jackie Coogan). Aranya has reportedly penned "brilliant" scientific treatises, and Masterson looks forward to meeting him in person. Masterson is genuinely intrigued by Aranya's theories, but his host informs Masterson that his work is not theoretical. He has already completed successful experiments, creating both human-sized tarantula spiders and human women with the abilities and instincts of spiders. His creation Tarantella has regenerative abilities, sufficient to regrow severed limbs. He seriously expects her to have a lifespan of several centuries. His experiments have had less success in male humans, who simply turn to disfigured dwarfs.

Michele Mercier / Мишель Мерсье - Ревущие Годы (Gli anni ruggenti ) 1962г.

Michele Mercier / Мишель Мерсье - Ревущие Годы (Gli anni ruggenti ) 1962г.
94 496
Название русское: Рычащие годы
Название оригинальное: Gli anni ruggenti
Страна: Италия
Жанр фильма: комедия
Дата выхода: 21.04.1962
Длительность фильма: 110 мин.
Режисёр: Луиджи Дзампа
Композитор: Пьеро Пиччони
Актёры: Нино Манфреди
Мишель Мерсье
Награды и номинации: Приз за "Лучший полнометражный фильм" на Международном кинофестивале в Локарно в 1962 г.

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (The Movie)

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (The Movie)
15 697 372
My Shadow of Mordor movie is here. If you're unfamiliar with my work, I take cutscenes and gameplay and edit them together to make a feature length movie, removing as much "video game stuff" (button prompts, HUD, saving indicators, etc) as possible. The goal is to make a movie that anybody can watch, whether they've played the game or not, or even if they've never played video games at all. I want to create an experience as close to a real hollywood movie as I can.
I highly recommend anybody who is a fan of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings & Hobbit movies to check this movie out. I've heard from some people that it doesn't exactly match the book lore, but it's close enough to be enjoyable even if you're a pretty hardcore tolkien book fan.
I decided to edit this movie in the same 2.40:1 aspect ratio as the live action Middle Earth films. Not only does this help a sense of continuity in the series, but it also helped in the editing process, as there were several elements of the UI that were impossible to remove, but very easy to edit out in the "Tilt & Scan" editing method I used. The cutscenes ended up framing quite well at 2.40:1 as well, so I personally think it looks great. Due to this editing style, very little VFX work was needed in post. A mere 17 VFX shots, compared to Assassin's Creed Unity's 243 shots. Hence why I was able to complete the movie in such a short time compared to the other. This movie took me less than a month to make!
In this particular movie, some of you may notice that I cut quite a lot. In fact I cut two entire story missions, and I think four more cutscenes on top of that, possibly more. Sometimes what works well in a game (and the cutscenes were quite good as well) just doesn't work as well in a movie. For the sake of better story flow, I had to cut some of that stuff, which would have edited together a bit more awkwardly otherwise. I think this kind of judgement is one of the things that sets me apart from other "cutscene movies" and shows that it's certainly not a "Let's Play" or "Walkthrough" as it literally skips large portions of gameplay, so it wouldn't be all that helpful to someone wanting to know how to beat the game lol.
As for what to expect in the future: I will be buying Arkham Knight on June 23, and assuming Rocksteady's standard of quality holds up for that game, it is most likely going to be my next movie. After that I hope to make an Assassin's Creed Rogue movie before AC Syndicate releases on October 23, but it's too early to guarantee that, because there are a few games I do want to play between now and then, including MGSV (and I'm still catching up to that, currently on MGS3) and the Uncharted PS4 collection.
As for whether I'll do yet another remake for my Uncharted movies... I don't know, but it likely won't be a priority. Like The Last of Us Remastered and Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, I prefer to do games I haven't done before doing remasters of movies I have already done. After I finish my Rogue movie, I will still have AC Liberation and Syndicate to do, as well as next year's Uncharted 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. And there may yet still be potential for some of the Metal Gear games. From what i've played so far, MGS1-3 don't seem to be great candidates for movies, due to their heavy usage of the codec. If MGS4 or any other game changes that, and have good stories, they could certainly be candidates. Another potential candidate might be Mad Max, if that game turns out any good. I loved the movie.
As always, if you like the movie, support the developers by buying the game.
Категория: Приключения

Minin and Pozharsky (1939) movie

Minin and Pozharsky (1939) movie
14 380
The film is about the Time of Troubles, Russia's struggle for independence led by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin against the Polish invasion in 1611–1612.
Minin and Pozharsky (1939) movie
Genres: Drama, History
Production Co: Mosfilm
Directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin
Writing Credits: Viktor Shklovsky
Music by Yuri Shaporin
Cinematography by Anatoli Golovnya, Tamara Lobova
Aleksandr Khanov as Kuzma Minin
Boris Livanov as Knyaz Pozharsky
Boris Chirkov as Roman
Anatoliy Goryunov as Getman Khodkevich
Lev Sverdlin as Grigori Orlov
Vladimir Moskvin as Stepan Khoroshev
Sergey Komarov as Knyaz Trubetskoi
Yevgeniy Kaluzhsky as Ivan Zarutskiy
Lev Fenin as Smit
Mikhail Astangov as King Sigismund
Ivan Chuvelyov as Vaska
Vladimir Dorofeyev as Nelyub Ovtsin
Yevgeni Gurov as De Mallo
Yelizaveta Kuzyurina as Pozharskiy's wife
Nina Nikitina as Palashka
Nikolai Nikitich as Fedor Zotov
Pyotr Sobolevsky as Anokha
Naum Rogozhin
Mikhail Gluzskiy

Moral pani Dylskoi 1978 DVDRip Kinoradiomagia

Moral pani Dylskoi 1978 DVDRip Kinoradiomagia
20 029
"Мораль пани Дульской" реж.М.Розовский
арт.- Аросева, Балтер, Евстегнеев, Муравьёва, Егоров и др.
Категория: Телеспектакли
★  подборка сегодня
★  случайное видео
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